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The immediate complete denture is a true clinical entity. Its realization meets numerous requirements whether physiological, aesthetical or psychological. To meet those requirements, the practitioner has three clinical approaches. The overdentures and the immediate dentures that are set up with a more or less important surgical participation. Each of these techniques has its own indications and contra-indications that the practitioner must put in parallel with the data of the clinical examination. However, the practitioner must add to this immediate approach the major problem of the short and middle-term evolution of the bone structures since the phenomenon of resorption cannot be avoided. As a matter of fact, if the overdentures delay the phenomenon, the setting-up of the denture associated with simple extractions reduces it, but the prosthetic insertion linked to an important surgical act increases the resorption. Consequently, with this reality in mind, the practitioner must reduce the indications of the bone surgery to the benefit of more conservative approaches securing the long-term maintenance of the bone capital.
Keywords: immediate complete denture, overdenture, resorption.
Berteretche MV, Hue O. La prothèse complète immédiate : une entité clinique, mais différentes approches. Cah Prothèse 1998;104:89-101.
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